collects first-hand experiences of everyday life in Rocky Point. Puerto Peñasco is a popular vacation spot, and many people are familiar with visiting. But what about living in Rocky Point?
When I bought my condo on Sandy Beach, I began living in Rocky Point half of every month. Living here, I had a lot of questions about paying utilities, grocery shopping, and where to buy various household items. It can be challenging to find recommendations for local professionals (painters, carpenters, handymen, automotive techs) in a new place. Even more so when you don’t know a lot of people and don’t speak the language. is where I collect what I am learning about this beautiful seaside town! You’ll find restaurant reviews (including local taco trucks and fish markets), vendor recommendations, local customs, and ways to spend your time. With a little helpful Spanish mixed in as I learn it. Oh, and lots of pictures of my perro, Harley.
About Harley
Harley is a goldendoodle — 75% standard poodle and 25% golden retriever. He is tall with long legs and very soft fur. Harley is no longer a puppy, but still looks and acts like one. He was born in April 2017 and is very friendly (muy amigable).
Harley loves long walks on the beach and chasing birds into the ocean. At low tide, he gets the zoomies and likes to chase his ball. He enjoys meeting and greeting every dog he sees on the beach, especially other doodles.
You can usually find him on the beach at sunset, playing with his mama (me!) or chasing his girlfriend into the surf. Come say hi if you see us!